Tiered Pricing Model | What is It and How to Set Up Your Tiered Pricing?

Tiered Pricing Model | What is It and How to Set Up Your Tiered Pricing? 

Tiered pricing can be a useful way for creators to meet the needs of a diverse customer base, while also generating more revenue. 

But how to set up your tiered pricing can be challenging! 

In this guide, we’ll go over the key steps and best practices for setting up tiered pricing so you can start earning more from your creations today.

What is a tiered pricing model?

membership tier

A tiered pricing model is a pricing strategy in which a creator offers different levels of products or services at different price points.

Each tier typically corresponds to a different level of quality or features, and customers can choose the option that best meets their needs and budget. 

For example, a creator might offer a basic subscription that includes access to certain content or features, and then offer additional tiers with more advanced features or content at higher price points.

What are the benefits of tiered pricing?

What are the benefits of tiered pricing?

Tiered pricing can be a powerful tool for creators to meet the needs of their customers, while also generating more revenue and gaining insights into their market.

Tiered pricing can offer several benefits for creators, such as:

Flexibility: Tiered pricing allows creators to offer a range of options at different price points, which can cater to a broader audience and allow for more revenue potential.

Clarity: Tiered pricing can make it clear to consumers what they are getting for their money and what the different options are, which can increase the likelihood of them making a purchase.

Scalability: It can be a useful way to test the market demand for different levels of products or services, allowing creators to better understand their customers’ needs and preferences, which can be useful for product development and marketing efforts.

How to set up your membership tier?

How to set up your membership tier

Determine the value 

To create pricing tiers that are profitable, you need to understand the value that your product or service offers to your customers. Consider the features, benefits, and unique selling points of your offering, and how these compare to similar products or services in the market.

Identify your audience

Consider who your target audience is and what they are looking for in a membership program. This will help you to determine what types of benefits to offer and at what price points. 

Consider factors such as their income level, purchasing power, and the value they place on your product or service.

Research the market

Look at the prices of similar products or services in the market, and consider how your pricing tiers compare. This will help you determine if your pricing is competitive and whether there is demand for different levels of your product or service.

Establish your tiered pricing

Decide on the price for each tier and make sure that the benefits match the cost. Be sure to consider the value that the benefits provided to the audience and make sure to price it accordingly.

Consider offering a range of options, with the lower-priced tiers including the most essential features and the higher-priced tiers offering more advanced features or services.

Create your membership page

membership pricing

Build a dedicated page for your membership program that explains the different tiers, the benefits of each one, and the pricing. Make it easy for people to understand and join.

Promote your membership program

Share your membership program through all the different channels you have, such as social media, email, website, and others. It is important to create engaging content to attract them. You can add all your channels in one link by using Link in Bio. 

Provide good customer service

Once people have joined, be sure to provide excellent customer service to keep them engaged and interested in continuing their membership. Respond to any questions or concerns they may have, and make sure that they are getting the benefits they signed up for.

Continuously improve and re-evaluate

As your program continues, it is important to continuously re-evaluate the membership tiers and benefits, making adjustments as needed to keep them relevant and valuable to your audience.


In conclusion, setting up a tiered membership program can be a great way for creators to offer a range of options to their audience and increase revenue potential.

Linkr is specifically designed to help creators like you easily and effectively set up tiered membership programs to increase revenue potential and engage your audience.

Sign up for Linkr today and take the first step towards creating a successful membership program that will help you grow your audience and revenue.

I am an experienced professional with over 10 years of expertise in social media, influencer marketing, SEO content development, and e-commerce. I have a strong background in managing and executing successful campaigns for a variety of clients and am skilled at leveraging social media platforms and influencer partnerships to drive brand awareness and engagement.

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